I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client.
I don’t really consider myself a shoe person. I mean, I have two kids, I’m busy, who has time for shoes? The other day, I spotted a pretty hilarious chart on NickMom.com posing the question, What Do Your Shoes Really Say About You? Good question. Then it hit me, my shoes say that I sparkle. Yeah, that’s right, sparkle.
You see, I could bathe in glitter. And, while I’m not a shoe person, all of my favorite shoes do glitter. Don’t believe me? Check this out:
Why the obsession with glitter? I’m not sure. What I do know is that I required everyone to call me glitter when I was little. Think I’m kidding? Ask my mom. Glitter. Not to be confused with the horrible awful that is the Mariah Carey movie.
Don’t be fooled though, I don’t prance around my house wearing those glittery heels and baking cakes all day. Nope, I typically wear these below:
That’s more like it, right? Hands down, they’re my faves. So where would they fit on the NickMom.com chart below?
Personally, I’m in 100% agreement with the Crocs statement. I’ve never bought a pair and I’m proud to say it. But what about the glitter shoes I ask? I think it should say, “Glitter Shoes: You rock & you know it” but, I’m sure it would more than likely say something like “You think you’re a disco ball” or something to that effect. What’s wrong with being a disco ball anyway?
What’s all this funny about? Simple. It’s a moment of humor in an ordinary day. If you want a break of funny, be sure to check out NickMom.com, it’s all funny and it’s all moms. You can also stop by NickMom on facebook and @NickMom on Twitter.
As it turns out, my son likes the glitter too…
HA! I love that your son loves the glitter too! My son loves to wear my heels around the house too and he’s 12! Just kidding. The one who likes to do that is only 2. He also likes to have his toenails polished. True story. Your shoes are awesome and I think that all the glitter says about you that you’ve got confidence! Thanks for your hard work! #client