This blog has been started by two sisters, Sarah Bowman Roe & Kristy Still. Both of us are professional bloggers on other websites yet both of us have had a strong desire to build a blog specifically for those with food allergies. Why? Six years ago my son (Sarah’s son), was born with life-threatening food allergies.
Two days after birth he began throwing up uncontrollably. That then spiraled into several other health issues which eventually led us to make the decision to stop breast feeding at only 8 weeks. There was no doubt that the food I was eating was causing a severe reaction in his body. The only problem was that we could not figure out which foods were the culprit.
After 12 months of being on a hypoallergenic formula, multiple ER trips and visits to specialists around our city, we finally had semi-accurate test results to a food allergy test. We learned my son had 22 food allergies. He had the top 8 such as peanut, dairy and egg but then he also had quite a few outside the norm. He was allergic to foods like soy, chicken, turkey, garlic and several other spices as well.
While I was breastfeeding, I did stop eating peanut and drinking dairy but I had no clue that spices could have been causing that type of reaction.
Finally at 12 months old, I learned about food allergies. I did not realize at the time that it was only the beginning. Soon after I entered a period of complete despair as I tried to figure out how to cook for a child with food allergies.
The website that changed my life is called I joined their online support group right away and was able to finally figure out what my son could actually eat. I also found support for those not-so-fun days that most of us have as we walk through life with food allergies.
My son is eight years old now and is down to only 4 life-threatening food allergies which are egg, dairy, tree-nut/peanut and tuna. We have been able to re-introduce wheat into his diet slowly and he has done very well with that. We have had ups and downs throughout this process and broken hearts as well.
This blog is dedicated to recipes free of the top 8 allergens but also, it is meant to give a glimpse into living in a world with food allergies.
So excited to see your food allergy blog up and running! May the Lord use you both mightily!
Great idea for a website. My son is allergic to a few different tree nuts and seems to be affected by food dyes as well — just learning about that one. I just received a note home from school that someone in the classroom has a soy protein allergy — so many allergies!
Looking forward to your posts.
WOW – I am excited to hear more; thank you for sharing your story and if there is anything I love, it’s a food blog with a narrative 🙂
I am excited for this site. I just learned that my 8 year old is allergic to soy and dairy. I’m kinda at a loss as to what she can and can not eat!!!
Thanks for sharing… and I think this site will be awesome for those that have or have loved ones with food allergies!!!