As a working mom, I usually spend so much time planning lunch for my children that I forget my own and end up not eating or heading to the nearest drive thru. As a mom to a child with food allergies, what I eat is completely different from my children. Both of my boys are extremely picky which means we have very few options, however, I like to think outside the box a bit and enjoy something more than just chicken nuggets.
Because of this, I thought we could take a look at a healthy alternative for moms on the go. Since I do not have food allergies, these meals are perfect for me and I wanted to take some time to share them with you too.
Above is my Sesame Chicken lunch from Lean Cuisine. I added to it an Asian Broccoli Salad which definitely took it to the next level. It was quick and easy plus, the meal tasted great. Can’t beat that!
Aside from how good it tastes, it is low in calories too which helps me for various other reasons. I had drive thru speeds (less than 4 minutes to cook) but I had made at home goodness.
I bought the Lean Cuisine meals at Sam’s Club which led me to the rest of the frozen foods. I had to pull myself away from these chocolate chip waffles.
I did make sure to pick up some frozen chicken though. This makes it easy to pull out and cook only what I need for the moment, since I make different meals for the different members of our family, sometimes I don’t need a full pound of chicken breast so frozen is just easier.
I did notice all the free samples which are great for folks who do not have food allergies, but for those who do, it can be dangerous. I always bring a small ‘safe’ snack for my kids so they don’t get tempted by these food stands.
For my husband and myself (with no food allergies), I grab these ready to go meals which are perfect for dinner on a busy night. They’re made fresh at Sam’s Club which gives you that home cooked feeling…which helps with the guilt.
The 6pk of Lean Cuisine’s were less than $12 which is a great price for such an easy and healthy meal. Pair it up with some fruit or a salad and it’s perfect! The next time you’re wanting to grab a bite to eat, be sure to check out Sam’s Club and pick up some Lean Cuisine!
While you’re there, look around for allergy friendly foods as well. More and more stores are carrying ‘safe’ foods and you might find those foods a bit less expensive at stores like Sam’s Club.
To see the rest of my shopping trip, visit our Google+ story. Check out Lean Cuisine on Twitter #FrozenFavorites and also on Facebook.
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and (Nestle) LEAN CUISINE #CBias #SocialFabric
Ohhh…that broccoli looks great! Luckily broccoli is one of 2 green veggies my husband will eat! lol I can’t wait to try that recipe. The LC meals look great as well!